Friday, March 6, 2009

Let The Right One In

I was a little skeptical when I heard there was another friendship/romance vampire movie coming out, especially since "Twilight" caused hoards of teenieboppers to soil their panties, but I decided to to check it out anyway.

This movie rocked the shit. This little gem from Sweden (Based on the novel by the same name) was one of the best movies I've seen in a long while. It's a wonderful mix of the innocence of childhood, and the dealing of very adult issues. It also put a very human perspective on vampires, much like "Interview with a Vampire" and "Near Dark". This movie was original, creative, endearing, and would escalate to extreme violence without a moments hesitation -much like sex with my stepfather. Several characters are introduced with very little back story, however enough information is provided for the viewer to piece together a good guess about that character's background, which is a refreshing break from mindless Michael Bay garbage that gets pumped out every month. This is definitely a must see, it comes out on DVD and Blu-ray 3/10/09, don't miss it.



Hey gang- it turns out that the american dvd/blu-ray release's subtitle tracks differ a bit from the original release, and not for the better. Fans are demanding a re-release but I doubt its gonna happen, as it's not exactly financially viable. I have the blu-ray version and it's not a deal-breaker but it is annoying as hell. There's no major plot differences, but bits of dark humor and character development do get lost, I think the "dubbed" track is still original but I can't stand dubbed movies with the exception of kung fu. You can check out all the differences HERE. Thanks to for the heads up.

A lot of links are down but i BELIEVE to the best of my knowledge that these have the correct subs. (xvid Eng hardcoded subs from a dvdsrc and i think these are also PS3 compatable) if someone could verify that would be great. Not my links.

MAGNET issued this statement: “We’ve been made aware that there are several fans that don’t like the version of the subtitles on the DVD/BR. We had an alternate translation that we went with. Obviously a lot of fans thought we should have stuck with the original theatrical version. We are listening to the fans feedback, and going forward we will be manufacturing the discs with the subtitles from the theatrical version.” No news for exchange program. Read full article here:

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